Student Centric Learning

Mini Projects

S.No Project Name Student Name Name of the Guide Outcomes 
1 Random Password Generator Aarthi.E Mrs.S.Dhanalakshmi Randomly Generating Password for any application during login process using Python libraries
Sri Lekha.M
2 Blood Bank Information Retrieval System Hari Pradhap.P Mrs.K.Shanthi Ponraj To get the reuired infromation of blood donors using mobile app duirng the time of need.
3 Online Medical Camp Notification System  Murugan.M Mrs.K.Shanthi Ponraj The information about medical camp conduted in several places can be received thorugh SMS or E-mail as a notificaiton.
4 Sports Event Management System Arun.R Mrs.R.Mageswari Students can register for any sport activity in the website through a simple registeration and follow up notifications will be isssed to them.
5 E-Library Management System  ArunKumar.R Mr.A.G.Ignatius  Studenta can access the library book by searching this web application by giving the author name, book title, publisher name .
Kishan Kumar.R
6 Students Web Portal Entry  Ganesh.D Mr.A.G.Ignatius  A web portalm entry system in which faculty can enter the studens attendance and assessment marks and generate correspnding report.