Research promotion policy

Responsibilities of the R&D Cell:

The R&D Cell is responsible for,

  1. Motivate all Faculties to pursue research in their respective areas of expertise.
  2. The development, review and monitoring of achievements under the Research & Development.
  3. The development and enhancement of the research capacities in the College.
  4. The protection and commercialization of the Institute’s intellectual property.
  5. Consultancy activities related to R&D.
  6. The provision of research and development opportunities for academic staff to maintain enthusiasm, awareness of current scholarship and relevance in teaching and other activities.
  7. The development of infrastructure conducive for promoting the quality and quantity of research and development.
  8. Disbursement of Institute Research Funds to established researchers, both individually and in groups.
  9. Monitor the application of Research Funds to ensure that the funds are properly and formally accounted for.
  10. To be responsible for progression of research scholars.
  11. To foster the development of multi- disciplinary research endeavours across Faculties and departments.
  12. Monitor the research and development performance of individuals, groups and Faculties to encourage excellence and productivity through maintaining a database of research and development activities.To formulate incentive schemes for promoting research activities among teachers and students/scholars.
  13. The quality of postgraduate education to be brought up to an internationally high level.

Requirements for functioning of the R&D Cell:

  1. Members of the R&D cell other than ex officio members serve for a term of up to five years.
  2. An appointed member may be appointed to serve for additional terms as per the approval of the existing statutory bodies.
  3. The quorum for meetings of the R&D cell shall be the nearest whole number above 50% of the membership of the R&D cell for the time being.
  4. The R&D cell will meet at least two times in each semester.
  5. The Chairman/Coordinator is responsible for determining if more meetings are required.
  6. The R&D cell will report to the Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) by way of its minutes.

Approval of Research Proposals:

The design and methodology of research undertaken by a member of staff or student, that makes use of research and subjects like people, human remains, other living beings and the environment, must be submitted to R&D Cell for evaluation and approval, especially if legislation, professional councils or institutions affected by the research require it.

When students hand in research essays, mini-dissertations, dissertations and theses, they must declare that their research has complied with the Code of Research Ethics of the Institute. The Code and Conduct of research & development is to uphold the values of freedom, democracy, equality, human dignity and respect for diversity.

Relationships with the Community:

Data or information shall be gathered and recorded in such a way that it can be made available at any time (after completion of the project) to other interested parties without undermining confidentiality.Researchers will judiciously consider potentially destructive consequences of their research activities, outcomes or outputs on the human or natural environments and will avoid such research projects, or assiduously reduce the risk of such consequences through their research activities.Researchers will exercise their rights to academic freedom and freedom of scientific research; researchers are accountable to the community for the way in which they exercise those rights.

Relationships with Sponsors:

The methods, contents and results of research that has been funded (fully or partially) by external funds, shall be fully disclosed.Full particulars of the person or institution from outside the Institute who funded the research shall be provided in the published results of the research. Researchers shall be honest with sponsors of their research about their qualifications and their research expertise and skills.Researchers shall only utilise a sponsor’s funds for purposes explicitly approved by the sponsor.