PEO1: Apply their technical competence in computer science to solve real world problems, with technical and people leadership.
PEO2: Conduct cutting edge research and develop solutions on problems of social relevance.
PEO3: Work in a business environment, exhibiting team skills, work ethics, adaptability and lifelong learning.
PO1: Engineering knowledge: apply the knowledge of mathematics, science, engineering fundamentals and an engineering specialization to the solution of complex engineering problems.
PO2: Problem analysis: Identify, formulate, review research literature, and analyze complex engineering problems reaching substantiated conclusions using first principles of mathematics, natural sciences, and engineering sciences
PO3: Design/development of solutions: Design solutions for com ex engineering problems and design system components or processes that meet the specified needs with appropriate consideration for the public health and safety, and the cultural, societal, and environmental considerations.
PO4: Conduct investigations of complex problems: Use research-based knowledge and research methods including design of experiments, analysis and interpretation of data, and synthetics of the information to provide valid conclusions.
PO5: Moder tool usage: Create, select, and apply appropriate techniques, resources, and modern engineering and IT tools including prediction and modeling to complex engineering activities with an understanding of the limitations.
PO6: The engineer and society: Apply reasoning informed by the contextual knowledge to assess societal, health, safety, legal and cultural issues and the consequent responsibilities relevant to the professional engineering practice.
PO7: Environment and sustainability: Understand the impact of the professional engineering solutions in societal and environmental contexts, and demonstrate the knowledge of, and need for sustainable development.
PO8: Ethics: Apply ethical principles and commit to professional ethics and responsibilities and norms of the engineering practice.
PO9: Individual and team work: Function effectively as an individual, and as a member or leader in diverse teams, and in multidisciplinary settings.
PO10: Communication: Communicate effectively on complex engineering activities with the Engineering community and with society at large, such as, being able to comprehend and write effective reports and design documentation, make effective presentations, and give and receive clear instructions.
PO11: Project management and finance: Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the engineering and management principles and apply these to one’s own work, as a member and leader in a team, to manage projects and in multidisciplinary environments.
PO12: Life-long learning: Recognize the need for, and have the preparation and ability to engage in independent and life-long learning in the broadest context of technological change.
PSO1: Exhibit design and programming skills to build and automate business solutions using cutting edge technologies.
PSO2: Strong theoretical foundation leading to excellence and excitement towards research, to provide elegant solutions to complex problems.
PSO3: Ability to work effectively with various engineering fields as a team to design, build and develop system applications.
Course Name: C101- Professional English-I (HS3151)
Course Outcomes | Description |
C101.1 | Participate in professional and personal interaction through effective communications |
C101.2 | Use suitable vocabulary which is relevant to the context, understand different types of writings, and communicate effectively |
C101.3 | Describe different products through speaking, reading, and writing using a proper text structure |
C101.4 | Comprehend complex academic text and scientific lectures |
C101.5 | Express their opinions in discussions and infer the denotative and connotative meanings of the text and interact effectively in a formal and informal context. |
Course Name: C102- Matrices and Calculus (MA3151)
Course Outcomes | Description |
C102.1 | Use the matrix algebra methods for solving practical problems. |
C102.2 | Relate differential calculus tools in solving various application problems. |
C102.3 | Use differential calculus ideas on several variable functions. |
C102.4 | Relate different methods of integration in solving practical problems. |
C102.5 | Relate multiple integral ideas in solving areas, volumes and other practical problems. |
Course Name: C103- Engineering Physics (PH3151)
Course Outcomes | Description |
C103.1 | Recognize the importance of mechanics. |
C103.2 | Express their knowledge in electromagnetic waves. |
C103.3 | Demonstrate a strong foundational knowledge in oscillations, optics and lasers |
C103.4 | Realize the importance of quantum physics. |
C103.5 | Comprehend and apply quantum mechanical principles towards the formation of energy bands. |
Course Name: C104- Engineering Chemistry (CY3151)
Course Outcomes | Description |
C104.1 | Infer the quality of water from quality parameter data and propose suitable treatment methodologies to treat water. |
C104.2 | Identify and apply basic concepts of nanoscience and nanotechnology in designing the synthesis of nanomaterials for engineering and technology applications. |
C104.3 | Select materials by applying the knowledge of phase rule and composites. |
C104.4 | Classify the types of fuels and its industrial applications. |
C104.5 | Recognize different forms of energy resources and apply them for suitable applications in energy sectors. |
Course Name: C105- Problem Solving and Python Programming (GE3151)
Course Outcomes | Description |
C105.1 | Develop algorithmic solutions to simple computational problems |
C105.2 | Develop and execute simple Python programs. |
C105.3 | Write simple Python programs using conditionals and loops for solving problems. |
C105.4 | Decompose a Python program into functions. |
C105.5 |
Represent compound data using Python lists, tuples, dictionaries etc and Read and write data from/to files in Python programs.
Course Name: C106- தமிழர்மரபு /Heritage of Tamils (GE3152)
Course Outcomes | Description |
C106.1 | Know the literature of Tamil |
C106.2 | Gain the knowledge of rock art paintings and its transformation to modern art |
C106.3 | Get the concepts of martial and folk arts |
C106.4 | Perceive the knowledge of Thinai concepts of Tamil |
C106.5 | Gain the contribution of Tamil to Indian national movement and its culture |
Course Name: C107- Problem Solving and Python Programming Laboratory (GE3171)
Course Outcomes | Description |
C107.1 | Develop algorithmic solutions to simple computational problems |
C107.2 | Develop and execute simple Python programs |
C107.3 | Implement programs in Python using conditionals and loops for solving problems. |
C107.4 | Deploy functions to decompose a Python program. |
C107.5 | Process compound data using Python data structures and Utilize Python packages in developing software applications. |
Course Name: C108- Physics and Chemistry Laboratory (BS3171)
Course Outcomes | Description |
C108.1 | Realize the functioning of various physics laboratory equipment. |
C108.2 | Use mathematical models as a medium for quantitative reasoning and describing physical reality. |
C108.3 | Solve problems individually and collaboratively |
C108.4 | Assess the quality of water samples with respect to their acidity, alkalinity, hardness and DO. |
C108.5 | Quantitatively analyze the impurities in solution by elect analytical techniques. |
Course Name: C109- English Laboratory (GE3172)
Course Outcomes | Description |
C109.1 | Ability to use functional English |
C109.2 | Competency in analytical skills and problem solving skills |
C109.2 | Write definitions, descriptions, narrations and essays on various topics. |
C109.3 | Speak fluently and accurately in formal and informal communicative contexts. |
C109.4 | Develop proficiency in academic reading and writing. |
Course Name: C110- Professional English – II (HS3251)
Course Outcomes | Description |
C110.1 | Compare and contrast products and ideas in technical texts. |
C110.2 | Identify cause and effects in events, industrial processes through technical texts. |
C110.3 | Analyse problems in order to arrive at feasible solutions and communicate them orally and in the written format. |
C110.4 | Enhance to report events and the processes of technical and industrial nature. |
C110.5 | To present their opinions in a planned and logical manner, and draft effective resumes in context of job search. |
Course Name: C111- Statistics and Numerical Methods (MA3251)
Course Outcomes | Description |
C111.1 | Distinguish between large sample tests, small sample test and also defining Null hypothesis and Alternative hypothesis. |
C111.2 | Employ the analysis of variance (ANOVA) and its assumptions in CRD, RBD, LSD |
C111.3 | Simplify the system of linear equation using Gauss Jordan, Gauss elimination method, Gauss Jacobi and Gauss Seidel method. |
C111.4 | Derive the single and double integration using Simpson’s 1/3 rule and Trapezoidal Rule. |
C111.5 | Derive the ordinary differential equation by using Taylor’s method, Euler’s method, RK method and estimate the succeeding values. |
Course Name: C112- Physics for Information Science (PH3256)
Course Outcomes | Description |
C112.1 | Gain knowledge on classical and quantum electron theories, and energy band structures |
C112.2 | Acquire knowledge on basics of semiconductor physics and its applications in various devices |
C112.3 | Get knowledge on magnetic properties of materials and their applications in data storage |
C112.4 | Have the necessary understanding on the functioning of optical materials for optoelectronics |
C112.5 | Get the knowledge in basics of quantum structures and their applications and basics of quantum computing |
Course Name: C113- Basic Electrical and Electronics Engineering (BE3251)
Course Outcomes | Description |
C113.1 | Compute the electric circuit parameters for simple problems |
C113.2 | Explain the working principle and applications of electrical machines |
C113.3 | Analyze the characteristics of analog electronic devices |
C113.4 | Explain the basic concepts of digital electronics |
C113.5 | Explain the operating principles of measuring instruments and Analyse the various electrical circuits, machines , electronic devices and instruments |
Course Name: C114- Engineering Graphics (GE3251)
Course Outcomes | Description |
C114.1 | Construct the conics curves, and special curves drawing that arebeing used in engineering practices. |
C114.2 | Interpret the projection of points, lines and planes in the first quadrant for different condition. |
C114.3 | Construct the projection of simple and truncated solids like prisms, pyramids, cylinders and cones. Also, the orthographic drawing that are being used in engineering practices. |
C114.4 | Develop the lateral surface of the truncated and frustum of the section of solid and development of simple solids. |
C114.5 | Imagine and Develop the Free hand sketching, Isometric projections, and Perspective projections and The Students will be able to Imagine and Develop 3D models using sheet metal. |
Course Name: C115- Programming in C (CS3251)
Course Outcomes | Description |
C115.1 | Demonstrate knowledge on C Programming constructs |
C115.2 | Develop simple applications in C using basic constructs |
C115.3 | Design and implement applications using arrays and strings |
C115.4 | Develop and implement modular applications in C using functions. |
C115.5 | Develop applications in C using structures and pointers and Design applications using sequential and random-access file processing. |
Course Name: C116- Tamils and Technology (GE3252)
Course Outcomes | Description |
C116.1 | Learn the knowledge of weaving and ceramic technology |
C116.2 | Get the concepts of design and weaving technology |
C116.3 | Gain the concepts of manufacturing technology |
C116.4 | Get the concepts of agriculture and irrigation technology |
C116.5 | Learn the importance of scientific Tamil and its computing |
Course Name: C117- Engineering Practices Laboratory (GE3271)
Course Outcomes | Description |
C117.1 | Fabricate carpentry components and pipe connections including plumbing works. |
C117.2 | Use welding equipment’s to join the structures. |
C117.3 | Understand the machining operations performed on lathe and drilling machines |
C117.4 | Fabricate sheet metal components and demonstration on smithy, foundry and fitting operations. |
C117.5 | Study the machine assembly using centrifugal pump and compressor and The Students will be able to design electrical and electronics circuits |
Course Name: C118- Programming in C Laboratory (CS3271)
Course Outcomes | Description |
C118.1 | Demonstrate knowledge on C programming constructs. |
C118.2 | Develop programs in C using basic constructs |
C118.3 | Develop programs in C using arrays. |
C118.4 | Develop applications in C using strings, pointers, functions |
C118.5 | Develop applications in C using structures and Develop applications in C using file processing. |
Course Name: C119- Communication Laboratory / Foreign Language GE3272)
Course Outcomes | Description |
C119.1 | Speak effectively in group discussions held in a formal/semi formal contexts. |
C119.2 | Write emails and effective job applications. |
C119.3 | To be able to communicate effectively through writing. |
C119.4 | Identify varied group discussion skills and apply them to take part in effective discussions in a professional context. |
C119.5 | To mould students industry-ready. |
Course Name: C201- Discrete Mathematics (MA3354)
Course Outcomes | Description |
C201.1 | Describe logic to solve computer science problem and apply the rules of inference and methods of proof. |
C201.2 | Apply the proof by mathematical induction and the basic counting techniques to solve combinatorial problems. |
C201.3 | Apply graph theory models to solve problems of connectivity and constraint satisfaction, for example scheduling. |
C201.4 | Define monoid, semi group, group, normal sub group, rings, field and homomorphism. |
C201.5 | Apply the knowledge of lattice theory and simplify expressions using the properties of Boolean algebra. |
Course Name: C202- Digital Principles and Computer Organization (CS3351)
Course Outcomes | Description |
C202.1 | Design various combinational digital circuits using logic gates |
C202.2 | Design sequential circuits and analyze the design procedures |
C202.3 | State the fundamentals of computer systems and analyze the execution of an instruction |
C202.4 | Analyze different types of control design and identify hazards |
C202.5 | Identify the characteristics of various memory systems and I/O communication |
Course Name: C203- Foundations of Data Science (CS3352)
Course Outcomes | Description |
C203.1 | Define the Data Science Process |
C203.2 | Understand the different types of data description for data science process |
C203.3 | Gain knowledge on relationship between data |
C203.4 | Use the Python Libraries for Data Wrangling |
C203.5 | Apply Visualization libraries in Python to interpret and explore data. |
Course Name: C204- Data Structures (CS3301)
Course Outcomes | Description |
C204.1 | Define linear and non-linear data structures. |
C204.2 | Implement linear and non–linear data structure operations. |
C204.3 | Use appropriate linear/non–linear data structure operations for solving a given problem. |
C204.4 | Apply appropriate graph algorithms for graph applications. |
C204.5 | Analyze the various searching and sorting algorithms. |
Course Name: C205- Object Oriented Programming (CS3391)
Course Outcomes | Description |
C205.1 | Apply the concepts of classes and objects to solve simple problems |
C205.2 | Develop programs using inheritance, packages and interfaces |
C205.3 | Make use of exception handling mechanisms and multithreaded model to solve real world problems |
C205.4 | Build Java applications with I/O packages, string classes, Collections and generics concepts |
C205.5 | Integrate the concepts of event handling and JavaFX components and controls for developing GUI based applications |
Course Name: C206- Data Structures Laboratory (CS3311)
Course Outcomes | Description |
C206.1 | Implement Linear data structure algorithms. |
C206.2 | Implement applications using Stacks and Linked lists |
C206.3 | Implement Binary Search tree and AVL tree operations. |
C206.4 | Implement graph algorithms |
C206.5 | Analyze the various searching and sorting algorithms |
Course Name: C207- Object Oriented Programming Laboratory (CS3381)
Course Outcomes | Description |
C207.1 | Design and develop java programs using object-oriented programming concepts |
C207.2 | Develop simple applications using object-oriented concepts such as package, exceptions |
C207.3 | Implement multithreading, and generics concepts |
C207.4 | Create GUIs and event driven programming applications for real world problems |
C207.5 | Implement and deploy web applications using Java |
Course Name: C208- Data Science Laboratory (CS3361)
Course Outcomes | Description |
C208.1 | Make use of the Python libraries for Data Science |
C208.2 | Make use of the basic statistical and probability measures for Data Science |
C208.3 | Perform descriptive analytics on the benchmark datasets |
C208.4 | Perform correlation and regression analytics on standard data sets |
C208.5 | Present and interpret data using visualization packages in Python. |
Course Name: C210- Theory of Computation (CS3452)
Course Outcomes | Description |
C210.1 | To understand foundations of computation including automata theory |
C210.2 | To construct models of regular expressions and languages. |
C210.3 | To design context free grammar and push down automata |
C210.4 | To understand Turing machines and their capability |
C210.5 | To understand Undecidability and NP class problems |
Course Name: C211- Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning (CS3491)
Course Outcomes | Description |
C211.1 | Use appropriate search algorithms for problem solving |
C211.2 | Apply reasoning under uncertainty |
C211.3 | Build supervised learning models |
C211.4 | Build ensembling and unsupervised models |
C211.5 | Build deep learning neural network models |
Course Name: C212- Database Management Systems (CS3492)
Course Outcomes | Description |
C212.1 | Construct SQL Queries using relational algebra |
C212.2 | Design database using ER model and normalize the database |
C212.3 |
Construct queries to handle transaction processing and maintain consistency of the database |
C212.4 | Compare and contrast various indexing strategies and apply the knowledge to tune the performance of the database |
C212.5 | Appraise how advanced databases differ from Relational Databases and find a suitable database for the given requirement |
Course Name: C213- Algorithms (CS3401)
Course Outcomes | Description |
C213.1 | Analyze the efficiency of algorithms using various frameworks |
C213.2 | Apply graph algorithms to solve problems and analyze their efficiency. |
C213.3 | Make use of algorithm design techniques like divide and conquer, dynamic programming and greedy techniques to solve problems |
C213.4 | Use the state space tree method for solving problems. |
C213.5 | Solve problems using approximation algorithms and randomized algorithms |
Course Name: C214- Introduction to Operating Systems (CS3451)
Course Outcomes | Description |
C214.1 | Analyze various scheduling algorithms and process synchronization. |
C214.2 | Explain deadlock prevention and avoidance algorithms. |
C214.3 | Compare and contrast various memory management schemes. |
C214.4 | Explain the functionality of file systems, I/O systems, and Virtualization |
C214.5 | Compare IOS and Android Operating Systems |
Course Name: C215- Environmental Sciences and Sustainability (GE3451)
Course Outcomes | Description |
C215.1 | Recognize and understand the functions of environment, ecosystems and biodiversity and their conservation. |
C215.2 | Identify the causes, effects of environmental pollution and natural disasters and contribute to the preventive measures in the society. |
C215.3 | Find and apply the understanding of renewable and non-renewable resources and contribute to the sustainable measures to preserve them for future generations. |
C215.4 | Recognize the different goals of sustainable development and apply them for suitable technological advancement and societal development. |
C215.5 | Demonstrate the knowledge of sustainability practices and identify green materials, energy cycles and the role of sustainable urbanization. |
Course Name: C216- Operating Systems Laboratory (CS3461)
Course Outcomes | Description |
C216.1 | Define and implement UNIX Commands |
C216.2 | Compare the performance of various CPU Scheduling Algorithms. |
C216.3 | Compare and contrast various Memory Allocation Methods. |
C216.4 | Define File Organization and File Allocation Strategies. |
C216.5 | Implement various Disk Scheduling Algorithms. |
Course Name: C217- Database Management Systems Laboratory (CS3481)
Course Outcomes | Description |
C217.1 | Create databases with different types of key constraints. |
C217.2 | Construct simple and complex SQL queries using DML and DCL commands. |
C217.3 | Use advanced features such as stored procedures and triggers and incorporate in GUI based application development |
C217.4 | Create an XML database and validate with meta-data (XML schema). |
C217.5 | Create and manipulate data using NOSQL database. |
Course Name: C301- Computer Networks (CS3591)
Course Outcomes | Description |
C301.1 | Explain the basic layers and its functions in computer networks. |
C301.2 | Understand the basics of how data flows from one node to another |
C301.3 | Analyze routing algorithms. |
C301.4 | Describe protocols for various functions in the network. |
C301.5 | Analyze the working of various application layer protocols. |
Course Name: C302- Compiler Design (CS3501)
Course Outcomes | Description |
C302.1 | Understand the techniques in different phases of a compiler. |
C302.2 | Design a lexical analyser for a sample language and learn to use the LEX tool. |
C302.3 | Apply different parsing algorithms to develop a parser and learn to use YACC tool. |
C302.4 | Understand semantics rules (SDT), intermediate code generation and run-time environment |
C302.5 |
Implement code generation and apply code optimization techniques.
Course Name: C303- Cryptography and Cyber Security (CB3491)
Course Outcomes | Description |
C303.1 | Understand the fundamentals of networks security, security architecture, threats and vulnerabilities. |
C303.2 | Apply the different cryptographic operations of symmetric cryptographic algorithms. |
C303.3 | Apply the different cryptographic operations of public key cryptography. |
C303.4 | Apply the various Authentication schemes to simulate different applications |
C303.5 | Understand various cybercrimes and cyber security. |
Course Name: C304- Distributed Computing (CS3551)
Course Outcomes | Description |
C304.1 | Explain the foundations of distributed systems (K2) |
C304.2 | Solve synchronization and state consistency problems (K3) |
C304.3 | Use resource sharing techniques in distributed systems (K3) |
C304.4 | Apply working model of consensus and reliability of distributed systems (K3) |
C304.5 | Explain the fundamentals of cloud computing (K2) |
Course Name: C305- Business Analytics (CCW331)
Course Outcomes | Description |
C305.1 | Explain the real-world business problems and model with analytical solutions |
C305.2 | Identify the business processes for extracting Business Intelligence |
C305.3 | Apply predictive analytics for business fore-casting |
C305.4 | Apply analytics for supply chain and logistics management |
C305.5 | Use analytics for marketing and sales. |
Course Name: C306- Big Data Analytics (CCS334)
Course Outcomes | Description |
C306.1 | Describe big data and use cases from selected business domains. |
C306.2 | Explain NoSQL big data management. |
C306.3 | Install, configure, and run Hadoop and HDFS. |
C306.4 | Perform map-reduce analytics using Hadoop. |
C306.5 | Use Hadoop-related tools such as HBase, Cassandra, Pig, and Hive for big data analytics. |
Course Name: C307- Disaster Risk Reduction and Management (MX3084)
Course Outcomes | Description |
C307.1 | To impart knowledge on the concepts of Disaster, Vulnerability and Disaster Risk reduction (DRR) |
C307.2 |
To enhance understanding on Hazards, Vulnerability and Disaster Risk Assessment prevention and risk reduction |
C307.3 | To develop disaster response skills by adopting relevant tools and technology |
C307.4 | Enhance awareness of institutional processes for Disaster response in the country and |
C307.5 | Develop rudimentary ability to respond to their surroundings with potential Disaster response in areas where they live, with due sensitivity |
Course Name: C308- Object Oriented Software Engineering (CS356)
Course Outcomes | Description |
C308.1 | Compare various Software Development Lifecycle Models. |
C308.2 | Evaluate project management approaches as well as cost and schedule estimation strategies. |
C308.3 | Perform formal analysis on specifications |
C308.4 | Use UML diagrams for analysis and design |
C308.5 | Architect and design using architectural styles and design patterns, and test the system. |
Course Name: C309- Embedded Systems and IoT (CS3691)
Course Outcomes | Description |
C309.1 | Explain the architecture of embedded processors. |
C309.2 | Write embedded C programs. |
C309.3 | Design simple embedded applications. |
C309.4 | Compare the communication models in IOT |
C309.5 | Design IoT applications using Arduino/Raspberry Pi /open platform |
Course Name: C310- Renewable Energy System (OEE351)
Course Outcomes | Description |
C310.1 | Attained knowledge about various renewable energy technologies |
C310.2 | Ability to understand and design a PV system. |
C310.3 | Understand the concept of various wind energy system. |
C310.4 | Gained knowledge about various possible hybrid energy systems |
C310.5 | Attained knowledge about various application of renewable energy technologies |
Course Name: C311- App Development (CCS332)
Course Outcomes | Description |
C311.1 | Develop Native applications with GUI Components |
C311.2 | Develop hybrid applications with basic event handling. |
C311.3 | Implement cross-platform applications with location and data storage capabilities. |
C311.4 | Implement cross platform applications with basic GUI and event handling. |
C311.5 | Develop web applications with cloud database access. |
Course Name: C312- Cloud Computing (CCS335)
Course Outcomes | Description |
C312.1 | Understand the design challenges in the cloud. |
C312.2 | Apply the concept of virtualization and its types. |
C312.3 | Experiment with virtualization of hardware resources and Docker. |
C312.4 | Develop and deploy services on the cloud and set up a cloud environment. |
C312.5 | Explain security challenges in the cloud environment. |
Course Name: C313- Network Security (CCS354)
Course Outcomes | Description |
C313.1 | Classify the encryption techniques |
C313.2 | Illustrate the key management technique and authentication. |
C313.3 | Evaluate the security techniques applied to network and transport layer |
C313.4 | Discuss the application layer security standards. |
C313.5 | Apply security practices for real time applications. |
Course Name: C314- Video Creation and Editing (CCS371)
Course Outcomes | Description |
C314.1 | Compare the strengths and limitations of Nonlinear editing. |
C314.2 | Identify the infrastructure and significance of storytelling. |
C314.3 | Apply suitable methods for recording to CDs and VCDs. |
C314.4 | Address the core issues of advanced editing and training techniques. |
C314.5 | Design and develop projects using AVID XPRESS DV 4 |
Course Name: C401- Human Values and Ethics (GE3791)
Course Outcomes | Description |
C401.1 | Identify the importance of democratic, secular and scientific values in harmonious functioning of social life |
C401.2 | Practice democratic and scientific values in both their personal and professional life. |
C401.3 | Find rational solutions to social problems. |
C401.4 | Behave in an ethical manner in society |
C401.5 | Practice critical thinking and the pursuit of truth. |
Course Name: C402- Principles of Management (GE3751)
Course Outcomes | Description |
C402.1 |
Upon completion of the course, students will be able to have clear understanding of managerial functions like planning, organizing, staffing, leading & controlling. |
C402.2 | Have same basic knowledge on international aspect of management. |
C402.3 | Ability to understand management concept of organizing. |
C402.4 | Ability to understand management concept of directing. |
C402.5 | Ability to understand management concept of controlling. |
Course Name: C403- Resource Management Techniques (OIE352)
Course Outcomes | Description |
C403.1 | Understand to formulate linear programming problems and solve LPP using simple algorithm |
C403.2 | Understand to solve networking problems |
C403.3 | Understand to formulate and solve integer programming problems |
C403.4 | Understand to solve Non Linear programming problems |
C403.5 | Understand to understand and solve project management problems |
Course Name: C404- Renewable Energy Technologies (CME365)
Course Outcomes | Description |
C404.1 | Discuss the Indian and global energy scenario. |
C404.2 | Describe the various solar energy technologies and its applications. |
C404.3 | Explain the various wind energy technologies. |
C404.4 | Explore the various bio-energy technologies. |
C404.5 | Discuss the ocean and geothermal technologies. |
Course Name: C404- Project Report Writing (OHS352)
Course Outcomes | Description |
C405.1 | Write effective project reports. |
C405.2 | Use statistical tools with confidence. |
C405.3 | Explain the purpose and intension of the proposed project coherently and with clarity. |
C405.4 | Create writing texts to suit achieve the intended purpose. |
C405.5 | Master the art of writing winning proposals and projects. |
Course Name: C406- Summer internship (CS3711)
Course Outcomes | Description |
C406.1 | Industry Practices, Processes, Techniques, technology, automation and other core aspects of software industry |
C406.2 | Analyze, Design solution business |
C406.3 | Build and deploy solutions for target platform |
C406.4 | Preparation of Technical report, demonstrate and present the work |
Course Name: C407- Project Work/Internship (CS3811)
Course Outcomes | Description |
C407.1 | Gain Domain knowledge and technical skill set required for solving industry / research problems |
C407.2 | Provide solution architecture, module level designs, algorithms |
C407.3 | Apply graph theory models to solve problems of connectivity and constraint satisfaction, for example scheduling. |
C407.4 | Prepare detailed technical report, demonstrate and present the work |