
S.No Faculty name Paper Title Journal details
1 Mrs.K.Swathysree  Obstructive sleep apnea detection using Wireless sensor network Solid Technology Vol 10, 2021
2 Mrs.M.Fazilath  IOT based Patient Monitoring system International journal of science and innovative engineering & technology, 2022
3 Mr.K.Gowrishankar Evaluation of Robotic Ankle-Foot Orthosis
 with Different Actuators Using Simscape Multibody
 for Foot-Drop Patients
International Journal of
 Online and Biomedical Engineering, iJOE | eISSN: 2626-8493 | Vol. 19 No. 10 (2023)
4 Mr.K.Gowrishankar Prediction and classification of gait disorders based on hybrid deep learning technique Journal of Data Acquistion and Processing,ISSN: 1004-9037