

IT department was started in the year July 2000 with massive computing facilities and outstanding classrooms with an excellent work-study environment open to students and faculties. The teaching – learning is facilitated with sufficient class rooms and library.

Department Library

The Department Library occupies a unique place in academic activities of the department. It is perhaps the most important central facility provided by the Institute. The Library maintains an excellent collection of 556 data books and other documents/materials.

Lab Facility

The department has state of the art computing facilities to engage the students and faculties to achieve their task with ease of operation. The laboratory is furnished with recent software tools.

he list of the laboratories is furnished below:

  • C Programming Laboratory

The students gain knowledge to develop programs in C using basic constructs, strings, pointers, functions, structures. The students are exposed to develop applications in C using file processing.

  • Python Programming Laboratory

The students learns to implement (write, test, and debug) simple Python programs. The implementation of Python programs involes conditionals, looping sturctures, functions and representation of compound data using Python lists, tuples, dictionaries and files.

  • Data Structures Laboratory

The students gain knowledge to implement linear, non-linear data structures and understand the different operations of search trees, graph traversal algorithms and various sorting and searching algorithms.

  • Object Oriented Programming Laboratory

The students will gain experience to build their software development skills using java programming for real-world applications. They will understand concepts of classes, packages, interfaces, arraylist, exception handling and file processing and finally develop applications using generic programming and event handling.

  • Database Management Systems Laboratory

The students will have practical experience with various data definitions and data manipulation commands, the usage of nested and join queries, functions, procedures and procedural extensions of data bases. The students will design and implementation of typical database applications

  • Operating Systems Laboratory

Students will gain practical experience with designing and implementing concepts of operating systems such as system calls, CPU scheduling, process management, memory management, file systems and deadlock handling using C language in Linux environment.

  • Data Science Laboratory

Students will learn descriptive analytics on the benchmark data sets ,too apply correlation and regression analytics on standard data sets and to present and interpret data using visualization packages in Python.

  • FOSS and Cloud Computing Laboratory

Students will be able to:

  • Configure various virtualization tools such as Virtual Box, VMware workstation.
  • Design and deploy a web application in a PaaS environment.
  • Learn how to simulate a cloud environment to implement new schedulers.
  • Install and use a generic cloud environment that can be used as a private cloud.
  • Manipulate large data sets in a parallel environment.
  • Security Laboratory 

Students will be able to

  • To learn different cipher techniques
  • To implement the algorithms DES, RSA,MD5,SHA-1
  • To use network security tools and vulnerability assessment tools
Lab Name Systems Configuration No of Systems
IT Lab CL -IV IBM Think Center                                                      Intel Pentium 4 @2.6 Ghz                              Intel 865 GV Chipset Motherboard               128 MB DDC  RAM                                                   1.44 MB FDD                                                              40 GB 7200 rpm HDD                                                  IBM Small Mouse and Keyboard                  10/100 Mbps Ethernet Card                             IDM 15’’ Inch Color Monitor 50