
Surveying and Levelling Laboratory

Surveying laboratory is equipped with state of the art equipments for conducting chain survey, compass survey and tachometric survey. It also helps in measuring various distances and angles using total station and theodolite.


  • Total Station
  • Global Positioning System
  • Plane Table and Accessories
  • Prismatic Compass
  • Metric Chain
  • Ranging Rod
  • Arrows and Pegs
  • Cross Staff
  • Tapes
  • Dumpy Level
  • Tilting Level
  • Theodolite

Water and Wastewater Analysis Laboratory

Water and wastewater analysis laboratory is equipped with state of the art equipments for determination of pH, turbidity and conductivity, Hardness, Alkalinity and Acidity, Chlorides, Phosphates and Sulphates, iron and fluoride, Dissolved Oxygen and BOD for the given sample, etc.,


  • pH Meter
  • Turbidity Meter
  • Dissolved Oxygen Meter
  • UV Spectrophotometer
  • Flame Photometer
  • Electrical Conductivity Meter
  • Water Bath
  • B.O.D Incubator
  • Muffle Furnace
  • Hot Air Oven
  • Reflux Apparatus
  • Jar Test Apparatus
  • Vacuum Filtration
  • Compound Microscope
  • High Precision Weighing Balance

Hydraulic Engineering Laboratory

Hydraulic Engineering Laboratory is equipped with state of the art equipments for determine the performance efficiency of Centrifugal, Reciprocating, Submersible and Gear oil Pumps, Francis and Pelton wheel turbines, Major and minor losses.


  • Centrifugal pump
  • Reciprocating pump
  • Submersible pump
  • Gear oil pump
  • Rotometer
  • Pelton wheel turbine
  • Francis turbine
  • Bernoulli’s apparatus
  • Major losses in pipes
  • Minor losses in pipes
  • Flow through notches
  • Flow through mouthpiece
  • Venturimeter setup
  • Orificemeter setup
  • Meta centric Height and Buoyancy apparatus

Materials Testing Laboratory

Construction Materials laboratory is equipped with state of the art equipments for determination of various tests on fine aggregate, coarse aggregate, fresh and hardened concrete and tests on bricks, cement and blocks.


  • Compression Testing Machine
  • Flexure Testing Machine
  • Compaction factor apparatus
  • Aggregate Impact testing machine
  • Flow table
  • Vee Bee consistometer
  • Slump cone
  • Los Angeles abrasion testing machine
  • Concrete cube moulds
  • Concrete cylinder moulds
  • Concrete prism moulds
  • Mortar cube moulds
  • Sieves sets
  • Density Bottle
  • Elongation Index
  • Flakiness Index
  • Vicat apparatus
  • Blains Apparatus
  • Concrete mixer
  • CBR apparatus
  • Marshall Stability Apparatus

Soil Mechanics Laboratory

Soil Mechanics laboratory is equipped with state of the art equipments for determination of index properties of soil, determination of in-situ Density and Compaction Characteristics, determination of Engineering properties of soil.


  • Sieves
  • Hydrometer
  • Liquid limit apparatus
  • Plastic limit apparatus
  • Shrinkage limit apparatus
  • Proctor compaction apparatus
  • Direct shear apparatus
  • Tri-axial shear apparatus
  • Vane shear apparatus
  • Relative Density apparatus
  • Permeability test apparatus
  • Field density measuring device
  • Core cutter
  • Sand Pouring Cylinder
  • Pycnometer
  • Thermometer

Highway Engineering Laboratory

Highway engineering laboratory is equipped with state of the art equipments for determination of various tests on aggregates, bitumen and bituminous mixes.


  • Ductility testing machine
  • Viscometer
  • Bitumen Extractor
  • Ring and ball testing equipment
  • Crushing Strength
  • Flash and fire point testing equipment
  • Penetration testing machine

Building Drawing and Detailing Laboratory

Building drawing and detailing laboratory is equipped with state of the art equipments using computers and softwares.

Software details:

  • Auto CAD
  • Revit


  • Desktop Computers
  • Printer