The Library committee in SMIT is a group of individuals responsible for overseeing a library’s operation and management. The committee may include representatives from various departments as well as librarians and other professionals who work in the field of information science. Library Committee serves as the driving force behind the evolution of library services. With a focus on collaboration, inclusivity, and strategic planning, this committee navigates the intricate intersections of information access, user needs, and technological innovations to ensure that the library remains a vibrant and indispensable asset for the community it serves.
- Convener circulates the new books/journals for circulation to assess the quality and collects feedback before placement of order.
- Library cell acts on advisory and recommendation committee to consider policy matters and takes policy decisions for procurement of books and journals and renders advice to purchase committee for library procurements.
- Considering the reviews of faculty members and students regarding books/journals selection, ordering process etc.
- Bringing changes in the physical arrangement and functioning process of library.
- Development and proper maintenance of adequate and up-to-date collection of books, journals, periodicals, dissertation etc.,
- Solving day to day problems of the library
- Maintenance of books/ journals theses in good condition & its back up.
- Dissemination of currently published book/journal information and preparation of recent list of additions, monthly list of books added to library and annual list of periodicals received in the library.
- Library stocks are maintained.
- Maintenance of register and records pertaining to library.
- Binding of books and proper arrangement of books as per easy access.
- Information about proquest e-journal provide to all faculty members & students for easy access to online journals
- Monitor the usage of internet facilities in the digital library and ensure sufficient
- Develop procedures for recommending books for purchase.
- Oversee the arrangement of racks and cleanliness of library spaces.
- Periodically review subscriptions to journals and magazines.
- Promote awareness and usage of online journal software for faculty and institutional
- Advocate for library and information literacy within the institution.
- Ensure proper documentation services and maintain an up-to-date library collection.
- Pursue modernization and enhancement of library and documentation services.
- Gather feedback on library services from users.
1. | Dr.K.Somasundaram | PRINCIPAL | Chairperson |
2. | Mrs.G.Yogeswari | AP/S&H | Coordinator |
3. | Mr.P.Vijayan | Librarian | Library Member |
4. | Mr.R.Vinoth | Librarian | Library Member |
5. | Mrs.Sheela Amalraj.R, | S&H | Faculty Member |
6. | Mr.A.Venkateshan, | AP/Civil | Faculty Member |
7. | Mrs.R.Romila, | AP/IT | Faculty Member |
8. | Mrs.AfrinBanu | AP/AI | Faculty Member |
9. | Ms.Haripriya J | AP/PT | Faculty Member |
10. | Mr.Arunkumar.M | AP/Mechanical | Faculty Member |
11. | Mrs.K.Pradeepa, | AP/ EEE | Faculty Member |
12. | Mrs.L.Jibanpriya Devi | AP/ ECE | Faculty Member |
13. | Mr.J.Dinakaran, | AP/Mechatronics | Faculty Member |
14. | Dr.R.Gokuldass | AP/Robotics | Faculty Member |
15. | Mrs.K.Swathysree, | AP/BME | Faculty Member |
16. | Ms. Vijayalakshmi | AP/ MBA | Faculty Member |
17. | Mr.Nagarajan.V, | AP/MCA | Faculty Member |
18. | Ms.G.Akalya | AP/CSE | Faculty Member |
19. | Ms.V.K .Aarthipooja | IV /R&A | Student Member |
20. | Ms.Tejasree | II /Mechatronics | Student Member |
21. | Ms V.Divyadharshni | II /Civil | Student Member |
22. | Mr.Siva prasath S | III/ CSE B | Student Member |
23. | Mr.Srikanth G | III /CSE B | Student Member |
24. | Ms Sushmitha S | III /CSE B | Student Member |
25. | Mr. Dhivakar Balaji | II /MCA | Student Member |
26. | Mr. S.Hariharan, | IV/BME | Student Member |
27. | Mr. R.Pugazhendi | III /EEE | Student Member |
28. | Mr. M.RajaSekar | III /EEE | Student Member |
29. | Mr. Sanjay.M | II /PT | Student Member |
30. | Mr. S.Chandru , | III/CIVIL | Student Member |
31. | Ms. D.Oviya | II/MBA | Student Member |
32. | Mr. N.GuruPrakash | IV/MECH | Student Member |
33. | Mr. Karthick.R, | IV / IT | Student Member |
34. | Ms. Blessi | II /IT | Student Member |
35. | Mr. Rakesh.R | II//ECE | Student Member |
36. | Ms. Archana.P | III /ECE | Student Member |
37. | Mr. Boopathi.T, | I/CSE | Student Member |
S..No | Academic Year | Name of the programme | Name of the event | Date |
1 | 2024-2025 | First year Induction – Library Orientation | Know your library resources | 12.09.2024 |
2023-2024 | Library orientation programme | First year Induction – Library Orientation | 13.09.2023 |
NDL (National Digital Library) Registration | Registration Demo Session (Awareness) | 14.09.2023 | ||
3 | 2022-2023 | Library Awareness | Know Your Library | 16.11.2022 |
4 | 2021-2022 | Understanding and Awareness of E – Resources | Awareness of E – Resources | 10.11.2021 |
5 | 2020-2021 | EBSCO / IEEE Online Training Programme | EBSCO / IEEE Online Training Programme | 31.10.2020 |
6 | 2019-2020 | E – Books | Training Programme of E – Books | 22.08.2019 |
7 |
2018-2019 |
Library Resources Awareness Programme | Know Your Library Resources | 25.07.2018 |