
  • A pioneer and early-starter in Engineering Education.
  • Diversified Courses are offered and 2 on healthcare engineering domain.
  • Focusing on projects based on engineering applications on healthcare domain.
  • Local community empowerment and enrichment through various programs and schemes.
  • Women empowerment and enrichment through various programs and schemes.
  • Developing effective engineers with empathy and ethical partices.
  • Passing the Baton: Mentoring system involving Alumni, Senior students and Junior students.
  • Facility center for various offline and online competitive exams and training programs.

Goal: Seamless integration of Engineering and Healthcare domain by extending Engineering Applications in the field of medical field.


The strength of any Nation is rated by its advancement and capabilities in Engineering and Healthcare domain.  Both the field contributes immensely for country’s GDP growth. For a nation to become a superpower, an equal thrust to be given in Engineering and Healthcare domain simultaneously.

The advancement in medical field is not possible without the advancement in engineering applications, both travels together in tandem. In clinical diagnostic process, the technological applications play a vital role such that Medicine and Engineering go hand in hand in deciphering the structures of many unknown viruses.

Engineering fields such as Artificial Intelligence, Digital Image Processing, IOT, Robotics and Nano Technologies witnessing rapid technological advancements and its contribution to medical field is immense. There is a potential need for precise, expeditious and economical diagnostic tools and affordable medicines for the treatment of life-threatening diseases like tumor, cancer and various other disorders using the applications of the advancements in the Engineering fields.

Our Institution from its inception has taken a special care in using engineering applications to the benefit of common people and in particular through advancement in medical field. Staff and students are encouraged to choose topics related to the engineering application in the medical and healthcare field for developing projects and implement for the benefit of the community in general.

In tune with the vision of our Nation and Institution, our Institute has placed a unique emphasis on seamless integration of Engineering and Healthcare domain by introducing 2 new courses in the field of Healthcare domain, namely, B.E in Bio Medical Engineering and B.Tech in Pharmaceutical Technology and two more new courses in B.E in Artificial Intelligence and Data Science and B.E in Robotics and Automation in the year 2020. Our institution has established new state of art laboratories for these courses by investing heavily. The very purpose of introducing such new courses simultaneously is to infuse interdisciplinary culture of learning and developing projects inter disciplinary area.

These new courses supplemented our faculty strength with niche knowledge and skills in their respective domain.  Knowledge and skills of faculty specialized in allied medical, healthcare, AI, IOT, Data Science could be shared through brainstorming session across the departments. Students and staff were more enthusiastic as their knowledge and skills got wider in emerging area. Our unique distinctiveness is quite visible as many of our staff and students took special interest in healthcare field and started developing projects.  The school leaving students too find it more attractive as our institute offering courses catering to both healthcare and engineering field which they find it will be useful for furthering their knowledge and better employment opportunity.