Student Centric Learning


S.No Project Name Student Name Name of the Guide Outcomes
1. Mail spam detection based on data science and machine learning






To keep the user free from spam messages, this project focus only on filtering, analyzing and classifying message and try not to block them. The supervised ML is being used.
2. Twitter sentimental analysis using python



S.Ravi bhoosan

Mrs.S.P.Audline     Beena

Diverse techniques for twitter sentiment

analysis methods are discussed including ML ,ensemble and dictionary based approaches.

3. SRS blog by using machine learning algorithm




A blog website fosters engagement and

interaction with readers and social integration. A blog website can drive away traffic and boosts visibility by this proposed scheme(Search Engine Optimization).

4. LYRE: A lyric driven music player N.Sudharsan M./Kartheswari  Ravi booshan Mr.V.Pandarinathan

ML, NLP, RNNs, LSTM and CNNs can be

utilized for audio analysis such as extracting features from spectrograms or detecting audio patterns enabling synchronization between lyrics and audio.


Student Seminar:

Name of the participant Title of the seminar Date of the Seminar
N.Sudharsan Artificial neural networks 3.08.2023
M.Kartheswari Linear associative networks 4.08.2023
R.Deepa Newton-Raphson method 17.8.2023
S.Gokul raja Queuing theory and operating characteristics 18.8.2023
P.Roosso Multi attribute utility functions 6.2.2023
R.Vijayan Learning bayesian net structures 7.2.2023
N.Harish IPV4 & IPV6 addressing 14.8.2023


Workshop/Hands on training:

Name of the workshop/ Hands on training Date Outcomes
Hands On Training  -Virtual  Computing



The student is able to interact in a centralized, simple, and ubiquitous way, and directly through a
MOOC platform developed with Course Builder
workshop on “3D animation” 21.09.2022 Students will be able to animate a bouncing ball in 3D Computer Graphics, using squash and stretch deformers, create movements to convey gravity and weight of a bouncing ball.
Workshop on “PHP” 2.03.2023 Understand how server-side programming works on the web.PHP Basic syntax for variable types and calculations.Creating conditional structures
Storing data in arrays
Using PHP built-in functions and creating custom functions
Understanding POST and GET in form submission.