

Funded Projects 2021-2022


S.No Name of the research project/ endowment Name of the Principal Investigator/Co-investigator Department of Principal Investigator Year of Award Amount Sanctioned Duration of the project


Name of the Funding Agency

Type  (Government/non-Government)


1.       Cloud Assisted Mobile Access Of Health Data With Privacy And Auditability Mrs.T.Saranya Artificial Intelligence and Data Science 2022 47,000 1 year Phoneix Medical System Non-Government
2.       Policy Based Management on Cloud Using Encryption Mr.G.SandraKarunya Artificial Intelligence and Data Science 2022 39,000 9 months Trios Tehnologies PVT.LTD Non-Government


Funded Projects 2022-2023


S.No Name of the research project/ endowment Name of the Principal Investigator/Co-investigator Department of Principal Investigator Year of Award Amount Sanctioned Duration of the project


Name of the Funding Agency

Type  (Government/non-Government)


1.       Li-Fi Based Smart-Path System For Closed Space Region Mrs.G.Sandra Karunya Artificial Intelligence and Data Science 2022 36,000 1 year RJP Infotek (P) Ltd. Non-Government
2.       Stuttered Speech Recognition using Raspberry-PI Mrs.B.Mahalakshmi Artificial Intelligence and Data Science 2023 48,000 8 months  Fabsys Technologies Private Limited Non-Government