Student Achievement

Journal publications by students:

S.No Name Paper Title Journal details ISBN/ISSN number
1 ABIRAMI.N Semantic Analysis On Hazard
Prediction In Coal Mining
International Journal for Science and Advance Research in Technology 2395-1052
2 DAISY DEEPIKA.N Classifying Data With Suggestive Causes And Flexible Solution International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering Technology 2321- 9653
3 HARISH.G Surmising Assault Resistant E-Healthcare Cloud Framework with Fine-Grained
Access Control
International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering Technology 2321- 9654


Co-Curricular activities

S.No. Name of the activity Name of the program Name of the student Date of participation
1. Yuvashakthi Youth empowerment program S.D.Aparajitha 19.03.2023
2. Yuvashakthi Youth empowerment program G.Sandhiya 19.03.2023
3. Yuvashakthi Youth empowerment program E.Sharmesh 19.03.2023
4. Yuvashakthi Youth empowerment program V.Madhumitha 19.03.2023


Student Seminar:

Subject code & Subject: AD 8601, Artificial Intelligence-II

Name of the participant Title of the seminar Date of the Seminar
N.Sudharsan Basics of utility theory 1.2.2023
P.Roosso Multi attribute utility functions 6.2.2023
R.Vijayan Learning bayesian net structures 7.2.2023


Subject code & Subject: AD 8701, Deep learning

Name of the participant Title of the seminar Date of the Seminar
N.Sudharsan Artificial neural networks 3.08.2023
M.Kartheswari Linear associative networks 4.08.2023
R.Vijayan Life cycle of data science 5.08.2023
Ravibhoosan Working with ML algorithms 7.08.2023


Subject code & Subject: AD 8501, Optimization techniques

Name of the participant Title of the seminar Date of the Seminar
S.D.Aparajitha Project network diagram 14.8.2023
A.Abishek Critical path method 15.8.2023
M.Adithya PERT 16.8.2023
R.Deepa Newton-Raphson method 17.8.2023
S.Gokul raja Queuing theory and operating characteristics 18.8.2023


Subject code & Subject: CW 8691, Computer networks

Name of the participant Title of the seminar Date of the Seminar
N.Harish IPV4 & IPV6 addressing 14.8.2023
M.Jagadish Transmission control protocol 17.8.2023
L.Jaya prakash DNS-SNMP 18.8.2023


Subject code & Subject: AD8552, Machine learning

Name of the participant Title of the seminar Date of the Seminar
E.Sharmesh Open source machine learning libraries 14.8.2023
M.Srinath Similarity and probability based learning 15.8.2023
T.Surya Image recognition 16.8.2023
C.Viknesh Speech recognition 17.8.2023
Sanjeevi Online fraud detection 18.8.2023


Student toppers- 2022-2023(Third year)-AI&DS

Sem Name of the student C.G.P.A Rank
06 L.Sowmiya lakshmi 8.55 1
06 V.Sulochana 8 2
06 S.Sathish kumaran 7.8 3


Workshop attended by students:

Name of the workshop/ Hands on training Date Outcomes
Workshop on SAP 12/7/2018 SAP software offers business a platform in the form of Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) software to manage their separate databases that run their company
Workshop on Technical Paper Writing 3/9/2018 Understand what writing an assignment involves,identify strengths and weaknesses, understand the functions of essays and reports and demonstrate writing skillsstrengths and weaknesses,understand the functions of essays and reports and demonstrate writing skills
Workshop on Normal Forms in DBMS 10/9/2018 The database will be logically correct. Normalization works through a series of stages called normal forms. These result in an increasing number of narrower tables
Hands On Training  -Virtual  Computing 26/9/2018 The student is able to interact in a centralized, simple, and ubiquitous way, and directly through a MOOC platform developed with Course Builder.
workshop on “3D animation” 14/02/2019 Students will be able to animate a bouncing ball in 3D Computer Graphics, using squash and stretch deformers, create movements to convey gravity and weight of a bouncing ball.
Workshop on “PHP” 10/1/2019 Understand how server-side programming works on the web.PHP Basic syntax for variable types and calculations.Creating conditional structures
Storing data in arrays
Using PHP built-in functions and creating custom functions
Understanding POST and GET in form submission.