Best Practices

  • Best Practice-1
    1. Title of the Practice: Women Empowerment – Nurturing the potential of girl students to empower themselves: The Bedrock of SMIT creed.
    2. Objectives

    The nurturing of girl students potential is one of the bedrock of The SMIT creed. Encouraging Girl students to pursue their higher education in Engineering and Management stream is one of the cornerstones of SMIT. Empowering women is crucial for nation building. It is significant to note that 60 % of the total enrolled students are girls.

    1. The Context

    Our motto is to ensure gender-neutral conducive academic ambience, nurturing the spirit of innovation and creativity to achieve standards in professional education. Technical education can support women to develop their knowledge and skills in engineering field, which in turn lead to better employment opportunities and improve their leadership qualities.

    1. The Practice

    Our training focuses mainly to hone their programming skills, communication skills and provide knowledge on latest software  tools and cross cultural engineering technical know-how.

    The holistic education encompasses not only curriculum based education but also involves the overall development of student’s personality, self-confident skills and leadership qualities. Our Institution plays a vital role in providing these skills to girl students to get more confident and self-reliant.

    Many training programs and seminars are conducted through various committees and clubs related to women empowerment, and awareness programs related to various welfare schemes related to women’s’ knowledge and financial enrichment.

    Our Institution encourages women faculty to take up the leadership position as Vice-Principal, HOD, SPOC and as head of many committees, conferences and symposiums.

    Our institute encourages girl students to participate in various activities such as sports and cultural activities, to present papers in various forums and to take up many leadership roles, inspired by their women faculty members working in many leadership roles.

    To boost their morale and to build their self-confidence we train them in Yoga, martial arts skills and in various self-defense skills.

    We train the students to appear for many competitive exams and as a result many students  enrolled for higher education and successfully passed the competitive exams.

    1. Evidence of Succes
    Best practice Number
    Number of Women Staff 40
    Number of Women Staff in Leading Role 8
    Number of Women Staff Published Papers 10
    Number of Girl Students Enrolled 400
    Number of Girl Students Passed 390
    Number of Girl Students got Placed 300
    1. Problems Encountered and Resources Required

    As Many of our girl students happened to be first graduates they  were very timid and fearful about the engineering education.  It took lot of counseling, mentoring and persuasion to build the confidence in them and instill a feel of innate potential in them. They develop systematically by getting inspiration by the influence of their women faculty members and senior female students.

    Best Practice-2

    1. Title of the Practice: Improving the living standards of Local Community through various Service, Training and Development Activities.
    2. Objectives
    3. To raise the living standards of local community by creating opportunities for employment, entrepreneurship, by providing information about scopes in higher education, implementing healthcare and welfare measures.
    4. To provide a clean and hygienic environment for the local community
    5. The Context

    The SMIT has been established in a village called Chikkarayapuram in 1996. One of the main mottos of SMIT is to provide Engineering and Technology education to the masses in general and help to improve the living standards of the local community surrounding the college in particular. The Service, Training and Development activity creates a unique bond between the Institution and its local community.  The activities extended by the Institution paves a way for the improvement of local community in a larger scale in terms of improvement of living standards of its people by means of various employment opportunity it  extends to local community. The Institution engages youths in various training programs conducted, which empowered the local youth to get a job in many Small and Medium Scale Industries and to establish their own shops serving to various needs of the locality. The training and development activities are implemented in surrounding areas and through various committees functioning in the college. As the surrounding of the college is mostly populated by lower middle and middle class people in large numbers, our institution is playing a vital role in addressing the needs of local people and thereby improving their living standards to a large extent.

    1. The Practice

    The Institute gives priority to the local community in job opportunity especially in non-teaching posts.

    Students from local community are given preference for admission to various programs offered along with fee waiver schemes.

    The Institute periodically conducts various employment oriented technical workshop to the unemployed youths of surrounding areas so that they can get the employment with their skill or set up their own business.

    Health awareness and the needs of sanitary importance were constantly insisted through various programs.

    The Institution took initiatives in cleaning the surroundings and stressing the importance of pollution free environment for a healthy living.

    The camps were arranged to emphasis the importance of safe driving, importance of voting and judicious usage of water resources.

    1. Evidence of Success

    Details of evidence of success achieved during the year 2021-2022 is furnished in Table.7.2.1.

    Best practice Number
    Employment to local community 50
    Fee waiver scheme to local students 50
    Schools and Villages adapted 1
    Camps Arranged 4
    Training Programs conducted 4


    Table.7.2.1.i.Details of evidence of success during the year 2021-2022


    1. Problems Encountered and Resources Required

    Local communities were little bit apprehensive about our welfare initiatives initially. The skeptic attitude of certain section of local community in accepting our services in the right sense which are hurdle to render our services. To overcome that several promotional activities, advertisements and one to one canvassing of local community were conducted, which built the mutual relationship between the Institution and local community and paved the way the for sustainable relationship.