About Us

The Department of Science & Humanities proves to be the basis for the engineering studies. It lays a strong foundation for the academic development of the students. It comprises English, Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry. This is the department with unity in diversity.
The Department has the communication skills lab that quenches the communication thirst of students with the latest software as per the instructions of Anna University, Chennai. The Department with its efficient, Mathematics dedicated faculty caters to the academic needs of the students. The Physics Laboratory has provisions for advanced level of experiments like laser, and optical fibers.
It provides good exposure to students. The Chemistry Laboratory, with its finely tuned experiments, introduces the basic laboratory techniques and core chemical principles to meet the requirements.

Objectives of Science and Humanities

  • The ultimate goals of Science and Humanities are to produce well-rounded, knowledgeable, and adaptable graduates who are prepared to lead and innovate in their respective fields. All graduates have a foundational knowledge of scientific principles applicable in everyday life and their careers.
  • Integrating new technologies, fostering interdisciplinary collaboration, and maintaining a strong emphasis on ethical, critical, and creative thinking.