Student Achievement : WORKSHOP/SEMINAR ATTENDED Topic Organised by Participant Date
1 VLSI SoC Design using Verilog HDL Maven Silicon,Bangalore Jashwanth.P, Shanmugapriya.M, Priyadharshini.V 26.04.23 -26.05.23
2 Python Programming CADD Centre,Porur Jashwanth.P 22.02.23 -25.03.23
3. IoT based smart crop protection system for agriculture Nalaaiya Thiran Bharathi.S Naveen Kumar.R Sasirekha.R Lubna.K Vishnupriya.B 01.09.22 – 01.11.22
4. Yuva Shakti Triple Heroes program 2022 Online screening PPT competition Vishnupriya.B 24.09.22
1 Profkrs Innovation Challenge Meenakshi Sundararajan innovation and Incubation Centre

S.Manoj Kumar





2 DRESTEIN’24 National Level Poster Presentation” Saveetha Engineering College

 S.Manoj Kumar




3 Climate change basis Boot camp MIT HUb,Chrompet Jashwanth.P 11.08.23




Smart India Hackathon 2023-Nomination


Ministry of Education

Mamidala  Sai Mithin

Arul. A

Arun Kumar .S



Lakshman. G





Sem Register No. Name of the student G.P Rank
VIII 212618106007 PAVITHRA B 9.4 I
VI 212619106005 VISHNU PRIYA.B 8.69 I
IV 212620106002 PRIYADHARSHINI V 8.44 I
IV 212621106001 Deepak Sriram.P 8 I
IV 212621106014 Udayaprakash.R 7.9 II
VI 212620106002 Priyadharshini.V 8.4 I
VI 212620106001 Mohammed Ikramullah. A 7.9 II
VIII 212619106005 Vishnupriya.B 9.25 I
VIII 212619106001 Bharathi.S 8.8 II
II 212622401001 Janani.S 8.3 I


S.No. Name of the Activity Program Name Name of the Student Date
1 Yuvashakti Youth Empowerment Program V.Priyadharshini 16.04.23
2 Yuvashakti Youth Empowerment Program Kishore.M 26.02.23
3 Yuvashakti Youth Empowerment Program Ilakiya.E 19.03.23
4 Yuvashakti Youth Empowerment Program Jeffray J Jayan 18.09.22
5 Yuva Shakti Triple Heroes program 2022 Online screening PPT competition Vishnupriya.B 24.09.22
7. Yuvashakti Youth Empowerment Program Ramya Sri S 16.04.23
      1 Yuvashakthi Youth Empowerment Program Rathin.N 29.11.23
2 Photography Jeppiaar Engg.College – Photography Rathin.N 11.03.23
3 Anna University Zonals -Athletic Saveetha Engineering College – Zonals -Athletic Archana.P 29.11.22
4 Anna University Zonals –Athletic Saveetha Engineering College Zonals -Athletic – Jeferray.J.Jayan 29.11.22 & 30.11.22
5 Quiz master St.Joseph  College of Engg- Quiz master Rathin.N 23.09.22
6 Painting (Online) SRM Institute of Science and Technology, Potheri, SRM Nagar, -Painting Naveen Kumar R 15.04.2021
7 Painting (Online) SRM Institute of Science and Technology, Potheri,- Painting Vishnu Priya B 15.04.2021
8 Quizonics AAA Engineering college & technology- Quizonics Naveen Kumar R 31.01.20
9 Shrot film Francis Xavier engg.College,Vannarpet, Thirnelveli- Shrot film Kavin.S 06.03.20
10 Pixart Annai mira college og engineering and Technology – Pixart Naveen Kumar R 26.09.19
11 Pixart Annai mira college og engineering and Technology- Pixart Bharathi.S 26.09.19
12 Tech bugging KSR college of Engg,Trichenkodu – Tech bugging Prasanth.K 27.02.19
13 Tech bugging KSR college of Engg,Trichenkodu – Tech bugging Rubeshkumar.S 27.02.19
14 Ad,Zap Meenakshi college of engg.- Ad,Zap Kavin.S 06.03.19
15 Tech.Quiz Meenakshi college of engg.- Tech.Quiz Sowmiya.T 06.03.19
16 Tech.Quiz Meenakshi college of engg. -Tech.Quiz Jeevitah,V 06.03.19
17 Anna University Zonal Athletics Anna university ,CEG Campus – Zonal Athletics Vishnu M 16-10-2018
18 Anna University Zonal Athletics Anna university ,CEG Campus – Zonal Athletics Dinesh Kumar S 16-10-2018